Meet Julie

Your Playful Guide

Julie Sando is here to help you find your inner guidance in all that you do with your child! Her mission is to help you learn how to trust yourself and the decisions you make for your child. She has lots of tools for you, and brings an extra dose of lighthearted love to the class interactions.

Learn about Julie's story and the origin of Natural Play Therapy in this video.

Video Highlights

"I realized that this had become more about the program, and not as much about the family. And so I decided to let go of my certification so that I could have that FREEDOM to continue learning, to always be learning, and to have that FLEXIBILITY in being able to create something really unique for each family." -Julie
"The whole idea is to CUSTOMIZE something for each family, and to really pick and choose, and not be stuck to one way of being. So that's what we do at Natural Play Therapy. We have our own set of GUIDELINES, but we don't call them techniques; we call them guidelines on purpose because we don't want to get stuck in one way of being." - Julie

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