Get Notified On Your Comment Replies

A quick little tip for getting notified when people comment on threads you have commented on...

Note: Take note of each of the following steps before taking the first step as the first step will lead you off of this screen.

  • Step One: Click on the back arrow (not in your browser, but in your teachable screen) in the upper left of your screen.

  • Step Two: Go to your icon in the upper right corner. Click on Edit Profile.

  • Step Three: Edit your notifications.

We suggest you click on all three options listed. We won't spam your inbox with unnecessary emails. We send notifications on class content and updates that pertain to your next steps.

The notification options are as follows:

Notification Preferences

Notify me when someone responds to my comments.

Notify me when someone comments on a discussion I've commented in.

I agree to receive instructional and promotional emails from Autistically Inclined.

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