About Action Steps

Balanced Action Steps Toward Flourishing

At the end of each class section, we'll lay out clear action steps to take. These action steps are designed to help you put into action what you've learned in the content. It's a consistent, balanced approach toward building the skills of purposeful motor planning for you and your child.

The printable class syllabus, which you will find in an upcoming lecture, provides beautiful organization and clarity of the action steps.

After each live class, you will have about one week to go through the class content, do the action steps, and share about your experiences. Then you will have one week to review your class members' action steps and receive feedback. This way you can experiment with suggestions and ideas you receive, and have a deeper experience of the action steps before we meet in our live class.

Plan Your Time...

Time Management Planner.pdf

We recommend printing this planner and using it as a guide for editing your personal calendar to prioritize the steps needed for success.

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